Some Lent Reflections

If we don't understand God's mercy toward us, if we don't take time to reflect on the ways we have been forgiven, it will be hard to be merciful to others.  And yet we set this as our goal each time we pray the Our Father:  forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

One of the most common attitudes that separates us from others is defensiveness.  From international relations to religious denominations to our own schools, workplaces and families, we close ourselves off to keep from being hurt.  It's difficult to  let ourselves be open and vulnerable.  We need to cultivate a belief that we're all part of the human family.

Sometimes going to church and doing "holy things" is easier than the hard work of being reconciled to people in our families, people at work, people who rub us the wrong way.

At the heart of the Easter story is the empty tomb.  Somewhere in our experiences of darkness each of us must confront the empty tomb and discover for ourselves the Risen Christ.

(Source:  The Moonlighter March 2018)

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