_Meet Colleen


My name is Colleen Powell-Harbin.  I'm a NASM certified personal trainer, certified group fitness instructor, certified Tai Chi instructor and licensed Zumba instructor.   I live in Upstate New York with my husband.

I worked for 27 years in the corporate world, holding many jobs including Program Management and other Management positions. 
Although I was extremely thankful for the years I had with a good job, the later years were beginning to take a toll on my health.  I was working almost 7 days a week, and self care was something I put at the bottom of the priority list. I had always enjoyed working out and attending group fitness classes, but found I had no time to fit that in my busy schedule. 

Through my supportive husband, I was able to make a plan to escape the "rat-"race" and pursue something I truly had a passion for:  Helping people feel better about themselves through healthy living. 

In 2012, I became a Zumba instructor and it truly changed my life.  It took me down a path I did not realize would ever bring me to where I am today.  In 2015 I made my reality happen, because a certified personal trainer and left my corporate job.  Taking that leap was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but something I have no regrets.  Getting out of our comfort zones into a new place is scary, exciting and rewarding.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband, my two grown sons, and my beautiful granddaughter.   I also enjoy American history, specifically studying the Civil War and gardening.

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