How to Get Back on Track after the Holidays

And here we are, Christmas is over in what seems like a blink of the eye. You've tried to follow a routine, but office parties, Christmas parties and whatever else Life has thrown at you these last few weeks, can make it hard to get back on track and stick to a routine.  Let's face it.  It's much easier to sit in our chair with our hot cup of coffee than to force ourselves to get up and get moving!

Now that we are suffering from sugar coma, it's perfect motivation to get going again! After all, you've worked so hard up until the Holidays, don't quit!!

Here are some tips to help you get back on track:

1) Don't Beat Yourself Up. You don't need to mentally abuse yourself with negative thoughts about how you should have done things differently. There is absolutely nothing positive that will come of this behavior. Change your thinking and focus on the positives, like how you are looking forward to getting back on track and not feeling so bloated and sluggish.

2) Don't Weight Yourself. If you feel sluggish and/or bloated, you know it. The scale is only going to tell you the same thing but will more than likely put you in a bad mood and maybe even make your behavior spiral out of control and send you into a binge. You know how you feel and how your pants fit, weighing yourself only to find out you've "gained" five pounds on vacation will do no good. Speaking of, most of the "weight" you gain will be in the form of water weight.

3) Drink More Water and Less Alcohol. It will help flush out the sugar and processed junk in your system and help you feel less bloated.

4) Get Back to that Exercise Routine. Start TODAY and pick up where you left off with your exercise routine. It will help you get back in the habit and help you reach your goals quicker.

Need More Accountability?  Really ready to make that change and form better eating habits?  Stay tuned for my 21 day private group starting in January. 

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