New Monday - New Week - New Goals

Thanksgiving break is a magical time of food, football and fun. After you’ve gorged on casserole and slept off the turkey coma, it’s easy to wallow in the fridge of leftovers and elastic pants. The results of a study by the Calorie Control Council concluded that the average American could consume as much as 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving Day.  According to USA Today, that’s equivalent to seven Burger King Whoppers or 15 Dairy Queen hot fudge sundaes.  (Oh MY!)

Too many carbs, too much sugar, too much booze.......

But it’s important to get back on track with healthy eating after the day of splurging and stuffing, especially before the stress of Christmas hits you. Getting back on track is easy with these simple tips:

1. Keep Positive. Beating yourself up over a day of bad eating will not help you get back on track. Remember, when you have thoughts that are negative, mad, sad, hopeless or helpless, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel bad. Conversely, every time you have a thought that is good, happy, hopeful, kind or loving, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. Don't let the "stinking thinking" sabotage your attempts to get back on track.

2. DON'T Skip Meals.
Don’t try to make up for the extra calories by skipping meals the next day. That just leaves you hungry. Plus, skipping meals can trigger your metabolism to slow down and can throw off your hunger/satiety hormones. Instead, focus on eating lean protein and lots of fresh vegetables, while avoiding sugar. The protein and fiber in the vegetables help to slow digestion, which will help you feel full longer, and keep your metabolism churning.

3. Get Moving.
Exercising is a great way to get back on track. But don’t do a mega-workout to try to burn off all the calories you just ate. Just get moving. This helps control cravings, burns calories and helps to balance your mood and blood sugar. Go for a long walk (walk like you’re late), or maybe do some lunges, squats and crunches while watching your favorite holiday movie. Exercise will induce sweating out excess salt and helps you regain your sense of what a healthy body feels like.

4. Do What You Say You're Going To Do (No Matter How Small)  The single best (and most effective) way to get yourself in your flow is to say you are going to do something--and then do it. For example: You say you're going to wake up early tomorrow morning, so actually do it. You say you're going to start your day by reading 10 pages in a book, so actually do it. When you make promises to yourself and keep them, you are ingraining in your subconscious that what you put your mind to, you will get done.

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