So Called "Healthy Food Choices"

With school back in session and the holidays near, most of us find our days hectic. Adding to that, we are all trying to "manage" what we are eating, at least as healthy as we can. Let's say we aim to eat around 1400 calories a day. With today's marketing "sneaks", we might realize our so-called food choices are sabotaging our healthy eating.

Most have us have good intentions with our healthy eating, but in reality most of us struggle with always choosing the best option. Take a quick calorie quiz from HMR Weight Management here to see how you’d do selecting “healthier” options when dining out.

So, let's take a look at what might be a typical day.

We stayed up late last night watching a ball game or Christmas movie, so our morning starts out with lots of caffeine coffee to reboot our fog-filled brain. Flavoring it with a little sugar and half and half is more calorie-friendly than those coffee shop drinks, we think
  • 6 ounces black coffee
  • 2 tablespoons half-and-half
  • 2 packets sugar
Now, it's time to get this kids something to eat, so they pour a sugar coated cereal into their bowls with some milk. We decide you want something a little heathier so decide to eat granola with skim milk.
  • 1/2 cup granola
  • 1/4 cup skim milk
After getting the kids out the door and we arrive at work, and immediately tackle the pile of work left on our desk from the night before. Next time we look at the clock, it's almost lunchtime already. We had intended to pack a lunch the night before, but never got around to it, so let's head to the cafeteria to see what healthy choices we can find. There, we spot the chicken Caesar salad, which consists of chicken strips on a bed of romaine lettuce with various salad toppings, all tossed with Caesar salad dressing. We know that's the ticket—low calorie and nutrient rich. For a beverage we opt for a soda, figuring just one little splurge won't hurt since our other food choices so far today have been carefully planned.
  • chicken Caesar salad
  • 16 ounce soda
In the afternoon, someone has brought in "goodies" to celebrate someone's birthday in the office. There are so many yummy foods, we struggle to resist. Finally we get some cheese and crackers, thinking that's a better choice than the brownies and chocolate chip cookies.
  • 6 crackers
  • 3 cheese cubes
Finally, we get home and decides it's pasta night because we're tired and don't want to fuss with a fancy meal. We choose whole wheat pasta because we've read it's better than white pasta. To go with the pasta, we top with a basil pesto sauce.
  • 2 cups whole wheat pasta
  • 1/4 cup basil pesto sauce
Most of us feel the need for an evening snack. (I do!) We really want ice cream, but decides to go for the healthier frozen yogurt.
  • 1 cup frozen yogurt
We head of to bed thinking, I've done pretty well today with my eating. A few more days like this, and I might actually lose a pound.

What would you guess our calorie intake was for the day?

A. 1,389
B. 1,845
C. 2,417
D. 3,321

C Is the Correct answer!!!

6 ounces black coffee = 4 calories
2 tablespoons half-and-half = 40 calories
2 packets sugar = 22 calories
  • Total = 66 calories
1/2 cup granola = 210 calories
1/4 cup skim milk = 21 calories
  • Total = 231 calories
chicken Caesar salad = 793 calories
16 ounce soda = 208 calories
  • Total = 1,001 calories
Afternoon Snack:
6 crackers = 80 calories
3 cheese cubes = 207 calories
  • Total = 287 calories
2 cups whole wheat pasta = 348 calories
1/4 cup basil pesto sauce = 263 calories
  • Total = 611 calories
1 cup frozen yogurt = 221 calories
  • Total = 221 calories
TOTAL for the DAY = 2,417
In today's calorie-filled food environment, it doesn't take much to go over our daily calorie allowance. We made a conscious effort to take in only 1,400 calories for the day, but was actually 1,142 calories over our goal.

So what can you do? An easy way is to write down everything you eat. Using an app like MyFitnessPal is a great tool. Portion control is a great way to keep your calories in check. You can buy portion control containers for less than $10.

Stay tuned and I'll share more tips on how to survive Thanksgiving and still eat some of your favorite foods without getting offtrack.

*Source: SparkPeople

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