[SUGAR DETOX DAY 3] This shocking stat explains a LOT!

WOOHOO! Two days down! This afternoon you’ll be more than halfway through.

You can do this!

Making a big change in how you eat is something to be PROUD of,
because it can affect your whole routine. You are absolutely AMAZING for doing this for yourself! 

If you’re struggling and feel like you’ve “slipped up” once or twice, don’t dwell on it. 


It’s about doing better – and not about being “perfect.” Over time, know that
it definitely will get easier!

I have a shocking stat, that when I read it, I literally felt my jaw drop.
It’s about how much sugar we actually eat every day.

First, for some context: there are literally DOZENS of different
recommendations for how much added sugar we should eat every day,
but they all fall into the same range for a healthy diet – about 5% to 10%
(absolute tops) of your total daily calorie intake.

The easiest recommendation I’ve found doesn’t require a lot of
math to understand. It comes from the American Heart Association, and
it is in line with what the World Health Organization recommends.

Their recommendations:
  • Women should eat no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar a day.
  • Men should get no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams) a day.
  • Children’s needs vary, based on their age and calorie needs,
but they should have no more than 3 to 6 teaspoons a day (12-25 grams).

But get a load of how much sugar we actually eat! 

  • The average American consumes 17 teaspoons (71.14 grams) every day
… or about 57 pounds of sugar a year per person!
  • Australians eat an average of 60 grams of sugar a day (or 14 teaspoons).
  • And in Canada, it’s estimated that children eat more than 100 grams a day (!!!),
while adults take in around 85 grams daily.

That is a LOT of sugar, and a lot of it is the sneaky kind that’s
added to processed foods – stuff we don’t even know that we are eating! 

And a HUGE amount comes in the form of soda, juice, or other sweetened beverages. 
  • A 12-oz (368 g) can of cola contains 39 grams of sugar.
  • 1 cup (250 ml) of unsweetened apple juice contains 24 grams of sugar.
  • A small (sweetened) coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains 17 grams of sugar!
  • A lightly sweetened tall iced coffee from Starbucks contains 15 grams of sugar.

Pretty shocking, right? 

This is why it pays to be aware of what you’re consuming every day.

And if you’ve been at the top end of the sugar consumption scale for any length of time,
it also explains why it takes some effort to eliminate added sugars from your everyday diet.

You deserve the best – and that means the best nutrition possible!
Just keep that in mind over the next few days of your detox.

You can do this! :) 

Have a fantastic day! (and don’t forget to keep up with your worksheet today!) 

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