[SUGAR DETOX DAY 5] The finish line!

Congratulations! You have made it to the final day of your Sugar Detox Challenge! I am so proud of you!

And you should feel SERIOUSLY PROUD OF YOURSELF for all that you’ve accomplished over the past few days.

You have taken a very important step to feel better in body, mind, and spirit. That’s amazing!

Remember: It is so much easier to STAY on-track than it is to get back on track. 

Here are some things you can do to maintain your lower-sugar lifestyle:

  1. Keep reading those food labels! Sugar is sneaky and it doesn’t take long for it to make its way back into your normal diet.
  2. Experiment with new foods and recipes to keep your tastebuds happy.
  3. Watch for triggers! A big one is eating a high-sodium meal at a restaurant – it can make you want to eat something sweet for dessert. 
  4. Avoid an all-or-nothing mindset. It’s OK if you occasionally enjoy a treat – and if you decide to indulge, don’t beat yourself up for it! Savor every bite, and then get back to your new-normal (i.e., lower sugar) routine.

I am so proud of you, and I’m grateful to have been a part of your journey over the past few days!  

I’d LOVE to know how you are feeling! Can you take one quick minute and let me know how you’re doing on the challenge!?

Let’s keep the momentum going!! As a special thank you for joining us for the challenge, I’ve opened up a few more seats to my January Group - Committed to a New You in 2020. You'll have accountability, access to home exercise ideas, and a meal plan that fits YOU!

This is a special offer, and it’s ONLY for people who have joined us over the last 5 days for the challenge (my way of saying thank you!)  

It’s valid for just the next 48 hours! Message me to get started!

Thank you again for letting me be part of this challenge with you.

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