Top 5 Good Carbs

As I continue my own health journey, carbs(and sugar) have been the enemy for me losing weight.  During these last 30 days, I focused only eating good carbs and eliminating as much processed sugar(and very little fruit) during that time.
Carbohydrates (carbs) are easily the most misunderstood macro-nutrient. With the recent popularity of paleo, gluten-free, and grain-free diets, it's easy to fall into thinking that all grains and grain-based carbs are bad.
That's simply not the case.  carbs must be chosen and used strategically. That means choosing the right carbohydrate sources at the proper time.
Cereals, crackers, pretzels, granola bars, and a wide variety of other processed carbs don't make the cut!
Let's classify our carb intake into two distinct types; Vegetables & Fruit sources versus Starchy Carb sources

Vegetables and Fruit

Vegetable and fruit sources are simply that; veggies and fruit. They're extremely powerful carb sources in that they provide a tremendous amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber at a relatively low calorie and sugar ratio. 
In other words, for the amount of calories you eat from veggies and fruit, you get a ton of bang for your buck!

How much veggies and how much fruit you ask?   Recommend at least 5 servings a day *NOTE: if you are not losing weight, limit the fruit to 1 serving a day*

Starchy Carbs

Starchy carbs still can provide a high fiber, vitamin, and mineral content for your body, but they typically come with a higher ratio of calories. 
These are things like pastas, breads, potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa, rice, and other whole grains.

Serving size - Should fit in the cupped palm of your hand.  Most potatoes we are getting in the store are 3x that size.  We have to downsize. 


Give the Gift of Fitness

Give the gift of healthy this holiday season. I'm currently running Black Friday specials between now and December 24th.  

-Purchase a 10 pack personal training sessions and your name will be entered for a $50 gift card. 
*Includes Free Initial Consultation* 

-Purchase a 5 pack small group training package and your name will be entered for a free 5 pack small group training package

-21 Days for $21.  Back by popular demand starting December 1st.  Online private group with nutrition support and accountability.  Purchase 21 Day Here

Contact me 


Thanksgiving Survival Tips

Do you know that the average Thanksgiving dinner has over 2000 calories? It can be a real challenge if you are watching your waistline. 
Here are some eating tips so that you can still look good and be healthy after the Thanksgiving dinner without having to deprive yourself.

  • Don't go to the Thanksgiving dinner hungry: we often eat faster and more when we are hungry - therefore eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch on the day to avoid overeating at dinner time.
  • Thanksgiving dinner is not an all-you-can-eat buffet: Fill your plate half with vegetables, one quarter with a lean meat and the rest with a starch of your choice. Eat slowly and stop when you are full.
  • Turkey - go skinless: choose your 4-oz turkey portion skinless to slash away some fat and cholesterol. Save your appetite for the side dishes and desserts.
  • Side Dishes - watch your portion size: go for smaller portions. This way you can sample all the different foods. Moderation is always the key.
  • Make a conscious choice to limit high fat items: high fat food items can be found in fried and creamy dishes as well as cheese-filled casseroles in a traditional Thanksgiving meal . For instance, mashed potatoes are usually made with butter and milk; green bean casseroles are often prepared with cream of mushroom soup, cheese and milk and topped with fried onions; candied yams are loaded with cream, sugar and marshmallows. If you cannot control the ingredients that go in to a dish, simply limit yourself to a smaller helping size. Again moderation is the key.
  • Drink plenty of water: alcohol and coffee can dehydrate your body. Drink calorie-free water to help fill up your stomach and keep you hydrated.
  • Don’t forget to exercise: If you know you are a sucker for momma’s apple pie or dad’s stuffing then schedule a workout to rev up your metabolism for that portion controlled serving later on.


With the busy holiday season upon us, it's almost impossible to find time for yourself.   I had this great idea of sharing something for FREE to you to help you get the most out of this stressful time of the year and still have time for you!

I'm sharing with you my 3 most important things in my life.  Faith, Fitness, Family. So I created this Weekly Wellness Journal to help you write your goals down and keep those goals within reach this busy season.  For example, one of my family goals might be to eat dinner together as a family 2 nights this week.  Wherever the geography is, make it happen.  It doesn't have to be at the dinner table at home. As long as you are together as a family.  See how this journal works?

If you're ready to take action and create a wellness routine that sticks because it's tailored to work for you, download this PDF printable and get your plan written down girl! You'll also have forever have exclusive access to the rest of my growing library of free printables and tips.


How To Survive the Holidays

The holiday season is full of stress from gifts, to being around family, the in-laws, fear of gaining weight and endless treats.
  • Those who find it difficult to find balance every year from holiday parties, to traveling, to see the family, what to buy for gifts, how to keep healthy meals at home and how to stay fit and active during it all.
  • If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed this holiday season because you are drained and fatigued, and most of all lack motivation to stay active.
  • If you are ready to work out at home and workout less with fun, yet challenging workouts that are less than 20 minutes!
  • If you are ready to take care of yourself without dieting and overexercising.

What do you get during this holiday challenge?

  1. Workout Ideas, including modifications
  2. Healthy holiday recipes
  3. Tips for surviving the holidays
  4. Weekly motivation
  5. Lifestyle, health, food and mindset tips
  6. Support! You will be surrounded by like-minded people to encourage and inspire you this season 
  7. It’s FREE!
In Health and Fitness, 
Colleen xoxo


21 Days for $21 - Simple.Healthy. - Starts July 10th!!

21 Days.. Simple.Healthy

Benefits Include:

  • Value!  Support, Motivation, Accountability from a Certified Personal Trainer -  FREE!
  • Structure!  Everything you need to be successful with your training, your food and your motivation.
  • Support!  Invitation to an exclusive FB Group from me, Certified Personal Trainer, where you can post questions, suggestions or feedback and we can work together as a team to support each other. Personal accountability and motivational check-ins over the course of 21 days help to ensure you are on track.

What's Included in 21 Days for $21?

  • Sample Meal Plan
  • Learning Portion Control
  • Accountability, Motivation and Support
  • Workout Video(s) for all fitness levels
  • Stretching Video
  • Grocery List(What to eat, what not to eat)
  • Goal-Setting Sheet
  • Exclusive Facebook group for all 21-Dayers

Let’s get started!   Click here:
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As a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, I am here to help you reach your goals

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