With the busy holiday season upon us, it's almost impossible to find time for yourself.   I had this great idea of sharing something for FREE to you to help you get the most out of this stressful time of the year and still have time for you!

I'm sharing with you my 3 most important things in my life.  Faith, Fitness, Family. So I created this Weekly Wellness Journal to help you write your goals down and keep those goals within reach this busy season.  For example, one of my family goals might be to eat dinner together as a family 2 nights this week.  Wherever the geography is, make it happen.  It doesn't have to be at the dinner table at home. As long as you are together as a family.  See how this journal works?

If you're ready to take action and create a wellness routine that sticks because it's tailored to work for you, download this PDF printable and get your plan written down girl! You'll also have forever have exclusive access to the rest of my growing library of free printables and tips.

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As a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, I am here to help you reach your goals

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