[SUGAR DETOX DAY 5] The finish line!

Congratulations! You have made it to the final day of your Sugar Detox Challenge! I am so proud of you!

And you should feel SERIOUSLY PROUD OF YOURSELF for all that you’ve accomplished over the past few days.

You have taken a very important step to feel better in body, mind, and spirit. That’s amazing!

Remember: It is so much easier to STAY on-track than it is to get back on track. 

Here are some things you can do to maintain your lower-sugar lifestyle:

  1. Keep reading those food labels! Sugar is sneaky and it doesn’t take long for it to make its way back into your normal diet.
  2. Experiment with new foods and recipes to keep your tastebuds happy.
  3. Watch for triggers! A big one is eating a high-sodium meal at a restaurant – it can make you want to eat something sweet for dessert. 
  4. Avoid an all-or-nothing mindset. It’s OK if you occasionally enjoy a treat – and if you decide to indulge, don’t beat yourself up for it! Savor every bite, and then get back to your new-normal (i.e., lower sugar) routine.

I am so proud of you, and I’m grateful to have been a part of your journey over the past few days!  

I’d LOVE to know how you are feeling! Can you take one quick minute and let me know how you’re doing on the challenge!?

Let’s keep the momentum going!! As a special thank you for joining us for the challenge, I’ve opened up a few more seats to my January Group - Committed to a New You in 2020. You'll have accountability, access to home exercise ideas, and a meal plan that fits YOU!

This is a special offer, and it’s ONLY for people who have joined us over the last 5 days for the challenge (my way of saying thank you!)  

It’s valid for just the next 48 hours! Message me to get started!

Thank you again for letting me be part of this challenge with you.


[SUGAR DETOX DAY 4] Try this PB-Banana Pudding

Checking in on day 4 of your Sugar Detox! 

How are you feeling? Are you keeping track of everything on your worksheet? 

By now you should start seeing some positive payoffs – and starting to feel more “even” with your moods and energy. It’s pretty shocking to feel the difference, isn’t it? 

I have a very simple recipe for you today that is perfect for when you want a sweet treat.

Heads up! I am sharing this with you for two reasons. 

FIRST: it’s super delicious and healthy. And that’s reason enough on its own. But ...

SECOND: it can take a while for your tastebuds to adjust to a lower sugar level. Some studies show it can take a month, depending on how much added sugar or artificial sweetener you normally consumed before you started the Sugar Detox.

BUT … it’s recipes like this – which contain only natural sugars – that can help you bridge the gap! 

Eventually, you’ll find that those added-sugar treats that you used to love actually taste TOO SWEET … and you will wonder how you ever ate them in the first place! 

In the meantime, I recommend always having healthy no-added-sugar snacks on-hand, because they will keep you on-track. 

This chia pudding is a make-ahead recipe that lasts 4 days in the refrigerator, so you can feel free to double it. It has the benefit of containing plenty of fiber and healthy fats, which can help keep your blood sugar stable. 

Banana PB Chia Pudding
(2 servings)

2 bananas, sliced
1 cup (250 ml) unsweetened oat or almond milk (unsweetened)
¼ cup (40 g) chia seeds
½ cup (140 g) plain Greek yogurt (optional)
Dash vanilla extract
2 tbsp all-natural peanut butter

In a bowl, stir together the banana, your choice of milk, chia seeds, yogurt and vanilla.

Divide equally into 2 containers (such as mason jars). Refrigerate at least 4 hours, or as long as 4 days.

Before eating, stir 1 tbsp peanut butter into each serving.

Doesn’t that sound SO GOOD?

If you want to give this a little extra “staying” power or turn it into a whole meal (it makes for an awesome breakfast), try adding ½ to 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder.

Here’s something I want you to keep in mind over the next couple of days …

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” – Sean Patrick Flanery
You can do this! 

I’m always here for you! If you’re ready to take the next step towards making permanent habits in 2020, I have options for you! Reach out to me and let me know so we can talk.


Boost your energy & cut cravings

I hope you are feeling amazing today! I'm ready to get this party started!

Here are some tips to keep you feeling that way over the next 5 days …

because the truth is, you might feel a little lousy in the short-term when

you stop eating added sugar (especially if you normally eat a lot of it).

(NOTE: Make sure to fill out your worksheet during the day today … and if you haven’t downloaded your copy of The Sugar Detox Guide, click HERE to get it now!

Sugar affects our body in so many ways, right down to the cellular level. It triggers your hormones, fires up your brain, and some experts say it even has addictive qualities.

That’s because when it enters your bloodstream, your body releases “feel-good” hormones like serotonin and dopamine – the same hormones some drugs (including cocaine) can affect.

The ironic thing is that you can get into a cycle where you crave it for an energy boost – but in the end, it actually leaves you feeling even more tired!

The good news: Breaking that sugar-rush-and-crash loop doesn’t take very long for most people.

Here are some things you can do to keep your energy up:
  1. Have a cup of tea. Some studies suggest that drinking green tea can help with balancing your blood sugar – and the caffeine in it can definitely give you a little energy boost.
  2. Get some fresh air. Go for a walk outside! Exercise + sunlight = more energy. Plus, changing your scenery can shift your perspective.
  3. Drink a glass of water. Being even a little dehydrated can make you feel tired (and also bring on the cravings). Make sure you’re drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water each and every day!
  4. Eat a balanced diet, with plenty of protein and healthy fats, to keep your blood sugar in check.

Do your best to power through … and go to bed early if it comes to that. In a day or two, you’ll notice your energy is back (and then some!).

It is SO WORTH THE EFFORT to ditch added sugar. Here are just some of the reasons why!
  • It can lead to weight gain. Added sugars load your body up with calories that have virtually NO nutritional benefit. In fact, sugar can rob your body of vital minerals (like calcium and magnesium). NO THANK YOU.

  • It can raise your risk of heart disease. Excess sugar can increase inflammation in your body as well as your triglyceride, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. PLUS, it’s linked to atherosclerosis, which can clog your arteries.

  • It is linked with type 2 diabetes. Your body goes through hormonal swings when you eat sugar – releasing insulin and other substances to help your body remove it from your bloodstream. If you’re consuming too much sugar, you can potentially develop insulin resistance and diabetes over time.

  • Too much sugar can 1) cause acne and 2) speed up the rate your skin ages because it interferes with collagen and elastin, which affect how firm your skin looks.

  • It’s linked with certain cancers. Research is still ongoing, but a diet high in sugar can lead to other factors (such as obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation) that are associated with some forms of cancer.

  • It speeds the aging process. Studies show it makes your cells age more quickly – and potentially does the same to your body.

And on and on … it can harm your liver, it’s linked with depression, it’s not good for your teeth, can affect your hunger hormones, etc. etc. etc.

When you look at all the reasons NOT to eat sugar, it makes it much easier to stay motivated, doesn’t it?

Stay strong, you’ve got this!

[SUGAR DETOX DAY 3] This shocking stat explains a LOT!

WOOHOO! Two days down! This afternoon you’ll be more than halfway through.

You can do this!

Making a big change in how you eat is something to be PROUD of,
because it can affect your whole routine. You are absolutely AMAZING for doing this for yourself! 

If you’re struggling and feel like you’ve “slipped up” once or twice, don’t dwell on it. 


It’s about doing better – and not about being “perfect.” Over time, know that
it definitely will get easier!

I have a shocking stat, that when I read it, I literally felt my jaw drop.
It’s about how much sugar we actually eat every day.

First, for some context: there are literally DOZENS of different
recommendations for how much added sugar we should eat every day,
but they all fall into the same range for a healthy diet – about 5% to 10%
(absolute tops) of your total daily calorie intake.

The easiest recommendation I’ve found doesn’t require a lot of
math to understand. It comes from the American Heart Association, and
it is in line with what the World Health Organization recommends.

Their recommendations:
  • Women should eat no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar a day.
  • Men should get no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams) a day.
  • Children’s needs vary, based on their age and calorie needs,
but they should have no more than 3 to 6 teaspoons a day (12-25 grams).

But get a load of how much sugar we actually eat! 

  • The average American consumes 17 teaspoons (71.14 grams) every day
… or about 57 pounds of sugar a year per person!
  • Australians eat an average of 60 grams of sugar a day (or 14 teaspoons).
  • And in Canada, it’s estimated that children eat more than 100 grams a day (!!!),
while adults take in around 85 grams daily.

That is a LOT of sugar, and a lot of it is the sneaky kind that’s
added to processed foods – stuff we don’t even know that we are eating! 

And a HUGE amount comes in the form of soda, juice, or other sweetened beverages. 
  • A 12-oz (368 g) can of cola contains 39 grams of sugar.
  • 1 cup (250 ml) of unsweetened apple juice contains 24 grams of sugar.
  • A small (sweetened) coffee from Dunkin Donuts contains 17 grams of sugar!
  • A lightly sweetened tall iced coffee from Starbucks contains 15 grams of sugar.

Pretty shocking, right? 

This is why it pays to be aware of what you’re consuming every day.

And if you’ve been at the top end of the sugar consumption scale for any length of time,
it also explains why it takes some effort to eliminate added sugars from your everyday diet.

You deserve the best – and that means the best nutrition possible!
Just keep that in mind over the next few days of your detox.

You can do this! :) 

Have a fantastic day! (and don’t forget to keep up with your worksheet today!) 

Why your breakfast can make or break your day

I have a really good tip for you that can help.

Have you ever noticed that some days, your breakfast keeps you feeling full
and satisfied for hours, while other days it sets you up for a day of endless snacking?

In fact, I’ve actually heard some people say they’ve actually skipped breakfast
because it makes them feel hungry all day.

I have two words that can help explain this: blood sugar! 

Here’s what can happen:

  • When you eat a meal with lots of sugar (like a bowl of cereal),  it can raise your body’s blood sugar levels, which leads to ...
  • Your body releasing insulin to help remove it from your bloodstream, which can lead to …
  • A blood sugar crash, which can lead to ...
  • Feeling hungry and tired, which can lead to ...
  • Eating more sugar and …
  • More insulin being released … and on and on and on!

You can see how starting your day with a jolt of sugar can create a vicious cycle?

Well I have a solution that doesn’t involve skipping your first meal of the day.
It’s all about the TYPES of food you eat for breakfast.

It’s about saying YES to foods packed with nutrients you need to keep your
blood sugar stable – like protein, healthy fats, and fiber!

And it’s also about making them as easy to grab as possible, so you don’t have
to mess with cooking in the morning.

Here are some ideas:
  • No-Bake Cookie Oatmeal: Stir some plant-based chocolate
protein powder and natural nut butter into your cooked oatmeal (or even a half-cup of cooked quinoa!). 
  • Frittata: You can have breakfast for days from a single frittata! This is a baked egg dish that is limited only by your imagination, because you can toss in any veggies you have on-hand or top it with healthy fats. Check out this list of amazing recipes: https://www.self.com/gallery/frittata-recipes
  • Breakfast Burrito: The trick with these is to have your ingredients
    ready ahead of time, so all you have to do is heat them up, fill the burrito and eat! Ideas: an egg scramble, chicken sausage, tofu scramble, veggies, salsa, etc … YUM! 

If you’re a coffee drinker, consider adding unsweetened, full-fat coconut milk or
coconut cream to your morning beverage instead of your usual sugar & cream. 

Experiment and find what combo works best for YOU! And know that what
works for your spouse or friend might not be the best for you.

As an example, some people are satisfied with a morning smoothie –
while others will feel hungry a little while later.

Can't Wait to hear how you are doing so far!!

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