Small Business Saturday Specials

 I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

If you are interested in a DEAL to help you get your rear back in prepared for a whole lot of value if you are committed to making a lifestyle change and changing your body.

So many things you could invest in and the truth is the majority of them will be exactly that – “things”that will be forgotten or worn out in months (maybe even weeks).

The one thing that will either serve you (or derail you) and make your life exponentially better is – a fit, healthy and sexy body with a confident, powerful, and abundant
mind that sees possibilities.

What is that worth?

I believe you are worth it... and then some!

I hope you do too.  

Now thru December 3rd, see my special deal to help you reach your health and fitness goals. 
Get a jump start on January .   

Sign up before December 3rd, and receive 20% off my January Group.  

In Addition to 20% Off, by committing before December 3rd, You'll Receive: 
  • Private Goal Setting Session with me

  • Train with me in December for FREE.  (2 group training sessions included) OR (4 group fitness classes)

  • Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Shopping Guide (This handy guide helps you avoid the Dirty Dozen, the non-organic fruits and vegetables that are highest in pesticide residues – and choose non-organic items from the Clean Fifteen List.)

  • Meal Prep Guide 
HURRY!  This special pricing deal ends December 3rd.  


Commit To Be Fit in 2020

New Year’s Resolutions. How many times have you made the same resolution to achieve a fit and healthy lifestyle? Year after year, I would make the same ones: lose weight, exercise more and eat healthier. Maybe you’re considering a gym membership. Maybe you’re considering an extreme diet plan. I was in the same boat, until I found a LIFESTYLE change that worked for me.

After I made my resolution, I would set big goals. Some of my goals were about family, some about personal development, some concerning the growth of my business, but one of the BIGGEST goals I set for myself was about the number of individuals & families I wanted to help to reach their HEALTH & FITNESS GOALS!!

What I eventually learned is that change in fitness and nutrition comes at a slow and steady pace. I knew this in my mind, maybe you know it too, but I needed to experience it.  So now I'm offering you a chance to finally regain your health back, working with me(NASM Certified Personal Trainer)..... taking no excuses.. No Ifs, Ands or Butts in this group.   NO GYM NEEDED. 

So what's in it for you:
  • Meal Plan Ideas focusing on portion control
  • Workout Plan with options for every fitness level
  • Motivation, Support and Accountability
  • Access to Private Online Group
  • Weekly Check-In
  • Daily Morning Inspiration and Motivation Emails Directly to You 
  • Weight and Measurements done by me (private)
  • Goal Setting Workshop and Workbook 
  • Weekly Prizes 
    I will push you even when you don’t feel like it, and I will support you for as long as you need. Being surrounded with like-minded people and striving for the same goals is what makes our challenges successful.

    COST: $79.00

    There are limited spots open and they will fill up fast!!   You'll be added to the private group and will receive a confirmation from me after you sign up using the PAY NOW button above!!!


    November Anniversary Specials!!!


    I can't believe it's been 7 years since I started my path of passion in helping others live a healthy and happy lifestyle. 

    As a token of my appreciation, here are some specials this month to help you even further with your goals.

    • Zumba FREE Classes: 
      • Monday 11/11  - 10am at The LOOM in Waverly
      • Thursday 11/28 - 8am Burn for the Bird at the Gym in Nichols
    • Santa's Dozen Zumba Class Challenge.  Attend 12 classes from November 28th to December 31st and win a prize!   Click here for more info

    Thank you so much for an amazing 7 years!!  Here's to the next 7!!

    Love in health and fitness

    6 Signs Your Work-Life Balance Is Way Out of Whack

    6 Signs Your Work-Life Balance Is Way Out of Whack

    As you navigate the demands of your job, household and family relationships, it might seem like you’re constantly treading a tightrope, one foot in front of the other, arms out to your sides as you struggle to stay steady.

    Some days, when all of the countless factors miraculously work in your favor, you manage to keep your footing. You finish the project your boss needs just in the nick of time and are still able to make it home to cook dinner for your family. But other days, you fall. That might mean getting stuck at the office when a meeting runs late, causing you to miss your daughter’s soccer game or tucking in your son. 

    Ah, the classic "work-life balance" conundrum. It’s an oft-used and buzzy phrase, but what does it really mean? The answer is different for everyone and the concept has evolved a lot over the years, but Wikipedia describes it as "the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life and family life are equal."

    Sounds idyllic, but it’s easier said than done. According to one statistic, the U.S. ranks 30 out of 38 countries in terms of work-life balance, with more than 11 percent of people working 50 hours per week or more, and just over 11 hours per day devoted to leisure and personal care. In comparison, less than one percent of employees in the Netherlands work that number of hours, and they devote nearly 16 hours per day to leisure and personal care.
    Sure, it’s admirable to have a strong work ethic, but being on the clock, well, around the clock on a regular basis can eventually have a detrimental impact, leading to feelings of guilt, burnout, fatigue, stress or even physical ailments.

    If you feel like you’re in danger of losing your balance (or perhaps have yet to find it in the first place), the first step in improving the situation is to recognize the red flags. If any of these sound familiar, it may be time to regroup and realign your priorities.

    You’re almost always tired.

    These days, many people seem to wear fatigue as a badge of honor, but scarce sleep is nothing to brag about. If you’re burning the midnight oil only to wake up at the crack of dawn to hop on your computer, you’re not doing your productivity any favors. And if you’re already getting the recommended amount of sleep but are still feeling perpetually tired, that could be your brain’s way of begging for a break.

    Right the ship: Do your best to devote at least seven to eight hours to sleep each night, and create an environment that is conducive to restful slumber (think dark, quiet and cool, without a screen in sight). Also schedule several short mental rest periods into your day, whether that includes a few minutes of meditation, stretching or reading a book.

    You have no interests outside of work.

    "While being passionate about your profession is a good thing, it can become unhealthy if it becomes the only thing in your life," warns Miguel A. Suro, a Miami-based attorney and lifestyle writer at The Rich Miser. If the hobbies, activities and perhaps even the people you used to enjoy have slid to the back burner, that’s a sign your job is getting too much of your attention.

    Right the ship: If you fall into this category, try to find interests outside of work. "Think about what you enjoy, what makes you smile or even what you liked to do in the past," Suro suggests. "Then, slowly work that into your life so it becomes part of your routine." For workaholics, he finds pursuits that are challenging and take time to master work well since they appeal to a goal-oriented personality. Some potential examples include cooking, learning about wine or taking up a sport such as tennis or golf.

    You’re often irritable.

    If you catch yourself snapping at family members, losing your cool with imperfect drivers during your commute or feeling impatient when interacting with co-workers, those could be signs that your work-life balance needs some fine-tuning. Of course, it’s normal to lose your temper now and then, but if irritability becomes more of the rule rather than the exception, something could be out of whack.

    Right the ship: Next time you feel your fuse start to shorten, take a deep breath and recognize that your resentment likely stems from a lack of balance rather than the person on the receiving end. Use the irritability as a cue to take a much-needed break so you can return feeling refreshed and open to interaction.

    You rarely use any vacation time.

    If you consistently have PTO days left over at the end of each year, it’s a surefire sign that you’re neglecting the "life" part of the equation. Vacation and other paid time off only qualifies as a benefit if you use it, and failing to do so can lead to higher levels of stress and burnout over time.

    Right the ship: If you can’t remember the last time you took a vacation, it’s time to get it on the books. Ease into it with a short trip: Suro suggests taking the Thursday and Friday before a holiday weekend to go for a getaway with your partner or friend. "Try doing something active, like skiing or hiking, since the need to pay attention to what you’re doing will take your mind off work," he recommends. No time or money to travel? Start by taking just a couple of days off to relax at home, spend time with loved ones or pursue a personal passion.

    You consistently work outside of your regular shift, even when it’s not required.

    If you obsessively check email after-hours, spend your evenings getting a head-start on the next day’s work or log on well before the start of your regular shift, you could be working compulsively—which may lead to burnout.

    Right the ship: Direct your compulsiveness elsewhere, suggests Suro. Find something that’s challenging and devote some of your free time to mastering it. This might mean writing and self-publishing a book, or taking online courses in a subject you enjoy.

    You’re sacrificing your health to work more.

    Let's make this clear: Your health is and should always be top priority. Putting your health on the back burner could mean you’re giving up exercise in favor of extra office hours, or that you’re grabbing fast food because you’ve convinced yourself you have no time to prepare healthy lunches. Maybe you’re sacrificing sleep, relying on extra glasses of wine to curb stress or adopting other unhealthy behaviors. "To be blunt, you’re slowly killing yourself, and setting yourself up for costly and prolonged medical treatment in the future," warns Suro.

    Right the ship: The key, Suro says, is to reestablish healthy habits. "Start by taking a regular walk or doing other light exercise. If you’re drinking too much, begin by having one less drink than usual," he suggests.

    While it might be unrealistic to expect to achieve the perfect work-life balance all the time, it’s important to be on the lookout for signs that yours is way off-kilter. By staying attuned to your mental and physical cues and making some smart adjustments, you can help ensure that both your job and your home life are getting the attention they need to thrive—at least most of the time!
    ---I can help you set meaningful goals...and help you create a step-by-step plan to achieve them!
    Love in Health and Fitness,
    Colleen   xxoxoxox

    Source:  Sparkpeople - Melissa Rudy 9/2019

    5 of The Worst Breakfast Foods for Weight Loss

    Eating a healthy breakfast can set the tone for your entire day.  Start your day with a filling and nutritious breakfast and you'll have the energy you need to keep your morning strong.

    By starting off on the right foot in the morning, it will help you to keep on track for the entire day.  Likewise, if you don't start off with a healthy meal, you'll more likely be challenged to stick to your healthy meal plan for the rest of the day.

    SO, let me help you find quick, easy options to replace those popular breakfast foods so you can make better morning options!

    Here are five breakfast foods you should CUT from your diet and options on what to replace with:

    1.  Sugary Cereal 

    Although handy to have in your cupboard, be sure to read labels carefully.  You would be surprised on many "healthy" cereals are still very high in added sweeteners.  This sugary option will only leave you feeling sluggish shortly after eating and will cause you to crave sugar later in the day.

    Healthy option:  Oatmeal with fruit like apples or berries make hearty breakfast.  I use Quakers Lower Sugar Oatmeal packets. 

    2.  Bagel with Cream Cheese

    Ah, the simple carb staple everyone has in their kitchen. Add the cream cheese, and you add excess saturated fats, too.  This is NOT nutrient balanced, and will not keep you full throughout the morning.

    Healthy option: Try a mini-bagel or a light english muffin with laughing cow spreadable cheese.

    3.  Bottled Smoothies: 

    Pre-made smoothies are often packed with added sugar to sweeten their flavor.  Be sure to check the label carefully.  It's much healthier to make your own smoothie.

    Healthy optionCreate your own smoothie.  Blend two parts sweet, juicy veggies like cucumbers with half as much as your favorite fruit.  Add a half-part each of dark leafy greens.  Blend in plain greek yogurt to make your drink creamy.

    4.  Coffee Drinks

    I don't know about you, but coffee is essential for me to start my day.   Many coffee drinks are loaded with sugar and extra calories.  Some Frappuccinos with whipped cream and flavored syrups can add up over 400 calories. 

    Healthy option:   Black coffee is completely free of fat and calories.  If you need something to make the flavor less bitter, you can try a sugar free sweetener or skim or soy milk.

    5.  Donuts and Pastries

    We know these are not the best breakfast option.  I call them empty calories.  But they are just so yummy.  These include muffins and toaster pastries too.   All can quickly increase your blood glucose levels and will drop quickly, leaving you hungry soon after you eat.

    Healthy option:  These yummy breakfast cookies are easy and you can freeze them.

    Eating healthy can be overwhelming at first.  But start with one or two days this week and replace your breakfast with one of these healthy options.  Start out small and build those lifestyle habits.

    I'm always here if you need help with ideas or options.

    Love in health and fitness,



    Summer Sizzle Bundle

    Finally, we are getting some nice weather.  Summer is here and our schedules are already jam packed.  It can be tough trying to keep on track with your health and fitness.

    Personally, I'm finding myself changing up my routine because of a busy schedule.

    I'm taking the guess work out for you and created this Summer Sizzle Bundle. 


    - 4 week workout plan: 4-5 days a week, 15-30 minute workouts, handweights needed for some (Perfect for home!)
    -Dining Out Guide
    -Summer Exercise Guide:  Tips to help you get your exercise in this summer.
    -BONUS Travel workout: (No weights needed, perfect for travel)

    Cost is only $20!!!!  Use this guide all year to help during your busy schedules!

    Enjoy your fun summer plans and still keep on track with your health and fitness goals!


    5 Tips to help boost your mood.

    April Showers bring...........
    May Showers?!?!?!

    5 Tips to help boost your mood.

    Showers, Cloudy weather and cold... in May? If you feel overwhelmed, blah, or a bit down on yourself, this weather is certainly not helping us any.  I'm suffering too.
    Here are 5 tips to help lift your mood.
    EXERCISE.  No surprise here!  Exercise is the best way to get your endorphins going and feel good.  The more you move, the better you feel, and the more you move the more physically able you are and the more optimally your body will function.  The stronger you are, the stronger you will feel, both mentally and physically.  Do something active with your body for at least 20 minutes a day.  Go for a jog, play a sport, do a fitness video, or try yoga (Zumba works for me!!!!) 
    BOOST YOUR VITAMIN D.  Get in the sunshine vitamin!  There has been research that links vitamin D levels to mood.   Evidence is building around the conclusion that vitamin D has positive effects on the brain and can help with feelings of depression and general depressive symptoms.  You can take a vitamin D supplement or if the sun is shining, get outside and take walk.

    CONNECT.  Chances are if you are going through something, there is someone out there who is or has gone through the same thing.  Often, we isolate ourselves and keep our blues, sadness or pain to ourselves.  I know I tend to do this.  But when we keep our emotions to ourselves and put on a brave face for the world to see, we trap our emotions and they being to fester, build and boil.  When I learned to let go, and connect to others, I felt a huge release.  When we connect and share we start to drain and feel lighter, happier and not so alone.
    GET IN YOUR ZONE.  We all have something that makes us “tick.”  When you busy yourself with your passions, you feed your soul and nourish your spirit.  It may be a hobby like knitting, crafting, listening to music, going for a drive or playing a sport, going on a run.  Whatever it is that gets you in your zone, do it! Literally write out a list of activities that bring your joy and put them in your ‘toolbox’ for a rainy day.
    SUFFICIENT SLEEP.  Being sleep deprived is almost a norm for most parents.  But a proper nights sleep is so important for not only our physical health but our mental health and well being.  I recently discovered that its not only important to get enough sleep (8.5-9 hrs per night), but the time in which you go to sleep is critical.  The hours of sleep before midnight are especially crucial to proper brain functioning than the later hours.  A proper nights sleep is always a good thing, especially when your feeling down and out.

    Love in health and fitness,
    Colleen xox

    Little Ears are Listening....Balancing the Negative Self-Talk

    Little Ears are Listening....Balancing the Negative Self-Talk

    With Mothers Day right around the corner, it's a great time to reflect on all those women who raised us and regularly displayed superhero powers in disguise.  "Whether it's them flying in out of nowhere to help you find that shirt that you swore was in your bottom drawer but is now lost and you absolutely must wear today; calming you down when you take the curlers out of your hair an hour before prom only to realize that there's a good chance your date might mistake you for a poodle; or talking you off the ledge the first year you do your taxes on your own, moms have this omniscient extrasensory perception that seems to give them advanced degrees in almost anything at a moment's notice".(Source: SparkPeople).

    For Moms struggling with weight or body image, any offhand remark can make their mark.  My youngest was about 8 or 10. We were at a new EMT Dr appointment.  At the end of the appointment, the Dr. and I were finishing up our discussing and she was making notes in his chart.  All of a sudden, he told us how much he loved to eat and how he can eat anything he wants and doesn't gain weight.  The Dr and I both looked at each other like "ok, where did that come from".  Then my son proceeded to say "my mom, when she wears her running shorts, her fat hangs over it".  After I was completely mortified, we did our best to get out of there before anything else was "shared".  I've always struggled with body image and weight.  My insecurity runs deep.

    Our children are always listening to everything we say and do.  Even if we are joking, those little ears are learning and developing from those expressions.  After hearing negative self-talk about their mother's body, the foods she eats or the exercise she may or may not be making time for, it's possible for a daughter to question her own choices and body image over time. By commenting negatively or bringing attention to self-perceived flaws and shortcomings, we teach our children that one particular standard of beauty (be it thin thighs, muscular arms or your personal benchmark for body success) is desirable and that self-worth suffers until that standard is achieved.

    Yes, weight loss is tough. We are all going to have those bad days. It's a hard road, and we are going to get off the path.  The important thing is to balance that negative self-talk and positive talk.  Practice swapping a complaint with something positive.  Don't be afraid to talk to your child about "why" you are on this fitness journey.  Help them understand every body is different and being as healthy as you can be is the most important.  Celebrate the body you have in the meantime by cutting yourself some slack and enjoying a cupcake on the porch without guilt or skipping your workout for a day at the pool when that spring weather is calling to you.
    This week, focus on your own self-worth by seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you. To them, you're already beautiful and it's about time you started treating yourself that way, too.


    5 Ways to Enjoy Easter without Diet Disaster

    Just when you were starting to get into a healthy eating routine... BAM!! Easter 🐣🍫

    But the upcoming chocolate/food fest doesn't have to bring your eating habits to a crashing halt! Here are some of my tips to help you have a good time without totally falling off the wagon!

    1. Consider Easter as just one day (Easter Sunday itself)
    As far as chocolate is concerned, rather than indulging over the entire weekend. This acts as a damage limitation policy, giving you a definite time span within which you can enjoy a treat, knowing that you’ll be back on track and walking off any extra calories come Monday.

    2. Be prepared for temptation
    Plan your responses in advance to those who put temptation in your way over the Easter weekend, threatening to derail your careful plans. Begin by thanking that person for offering you extra treats – this allows you to move smoothly into turning them down with polite phrases such as, ‘I’d love to but I’ve got a treat saved up for later, which I don’t want to spoil,’ or, if they’re persistent, ‘That’s so kind. I’m not hungry right now but I’ll keep it for another time.’ These responses keep you in the driving seat and in control of your own Easter indulgence.

    3. Be to the point with your nearest and dearest.
    If they usually buy you a traditional chocolate-based treat for Easter, ask if you could have an alternative this year. Perhaps your favorite flowers or something colorful for the garden, a trip out to a local beauty spot, a voucher to try a new hobby or a few pounds to put in the kitty towards something special you’re saving up for.

    4. Know the facts
    It’s interesting to note that chocolate is low glycemic index (GI), so it won’t send your blood sugar levels soaring, despite what people say. This means that you can enjoy some without spinning out of control with blood sugar peaks and troughs after eating. Remember, though, the reason chocolate is low GI is that the digestion of the sugar it contains is slowed down by large amounts of fat, so you still need to go steady on how much you eat for the sake of your waistline.

    If you’re a dark chocolate fan, good news: researchers in Sweden have discovered that a little bit of high percentage cocoa chocolate (70% and over) helps to fill you up, so you’ll eat fewer calories at your next meal. Look for dark chocolate eggs on the shelves. Or you could buy a few mini bars of your favorite dark chocolate and arrange them in a pretty wicker basket decorated with Easter accessories for a homemade treat.

    5. Go on, spoil yourself
    Just because you’re not indulging in a truck-load of sugary snacks over the Easter weekend, it doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself. Cook up your favourite savoury dish or allow yourself some time out with a luxurious bubble bath. An Easter hunt in the garden finding non-food items is usually a great success, along with buying beautiful spring flowers – they last longer than chocolate!

    What Motivates You?

    What Motivates You?

    Mike Fohner, cross country running coach, tells this story about one of his students:
    ....Last year, one of my young cross-country runners was fully content walking up the hills and avoiding physical exertion to the maximum extent possible. I tried all sorts of tactics and motivation techniques…to wits end. Even my “walkers club” (post practice sprints for those that walk during practice) had no effect. One meet, this runner unexpectedly
    knocked 3 minutes off her best time to which I gave a look of amazement to her parents. They smiled and said, “Well…she didn’t walk…so I guess we owe her ten bucks!!” So it appears that money is an effective motivator for all ages!

    The statistics

    Brace yourself. According to Rod K. Dishman, Ph.D., director of the Behavioral
    Fitness Laboratory at the University of Georgia, nearly 50 percent of people who
    begin an exercise program drop out within the first 6 months. The question is,
    “Why?” What is it about sticking with a fitness routine that causes so many people
    abandon it?

    The answer? Motivation. They don’t want health and fitness badly enough. It is
    a simple fact of human psychology that if we want something badly enough, we’ll
    do everything we can to get it.

    Your challenge is to find out what motivates you to get serious about fitness and
    stick with it.

    Unlocking your motivation

    Mike Fohner’s student found that money was the motivation she needed to push
    her out of her comfort zone and into a commitment that she previously hadn’t been
    interested in.

    Bryan Reece found a different motivation. Told by his doctors that he was minutes
    away from a heart attack, Bryan decided to fight back. Even though he had not
    been in a gym in 30 years, he turned his life around and eventually became a
    finisher in the Arizona Ironman competition. You can read his story in the book,
    You Are an Ironman: How Six Weekend Warriors Chased Their Dream of Finishing
    the World's Toughest Triathlon by Jacques Steinberg.

    You do not have to be part of that 50 percent who quit. You can stay
    committed and finish strong. It is all about finding what motivates you personally.

    Here are some possible motivators for you.

    1. Do it for your health. Consistent exercise and healthy eating are the two very
    best things you can do for your health. You will develop a strong, healthy heart,
    reduce your chances of many cancers, prevent diabetes, keep a sharp mind and
    resist dementia and avoid many of the common ailments that come with aging. It
    is possible to age without decay, and the key to this is exercise and eating well.

    2. Do it to look better. Appearance isn’t everything, but most of us care how we
    look. A strong and healthy person just looks good. And it isn’t all physical. Your
    demeanor will change as you develop the confidence that comes from the discipline
    of fitness. You will appear more energetic and confident because you will be more
    energetic and confident!

    3. Do it to relieve stress. Really! It isn’t a cliché. Exercising really does cause
    physical changes in your brain and nervous system that results in feelings of
    calmness and well-being. In fact, you may get so hooked on the mental benefits of
    exercise that you will crave it!

    4. Do it to be strong. If you have never done focused weight training, then you
    literally have no idea of the total transformation that you will feel after just a few
    weeks. There is nothing like bending over to pick something up that normally
    results in discomfort, strain and even pain, only to find out that it is a piece of cake!
    And by getting strong now, you reduce your risk of age-related falls and fractures
    because you have the core strength and balance to keep yourself stable.

    It is worth taking the time to discover the powerful motivators in your life. Don’t
    worry about ‘bribing’ yourself: do what it takes to get yourself moving. Find out
    what makes sweating worth it. Find out what you want more than that brownie.
    Your health is at stake; in fact, your very life is at stake. It’s time to transform


    Little Black Dress Project - Menopause Edition

              ****** STARTS MARCH 11  - ENDS APRIL 7 ******

    You are already amazing. But sometimes…it takes a little sweat, support, and a lot of fun to make you feel that way!

    Women are always performing amazing balancing acts between work, family, and trying to have some semblance of a social life. Rarely do we make the time to put ourselves first.
    That’s exactly why I’m offering The Little Black Dress Challenge… step-by-step program that includes a clean-eating meal plan, optional fitness workouts, and daily inspiration to help you feel fabulouslook amazing, & have the confidence to rock that Little Black Dress. Best of all, I made it easy to follow.  
    What Does Menopause Edition Mean?

    This is a very special challenge.  It comes with all new meal plans, success manual, daily motivation AND special training's in the private Facebook Group to help you navigate fat loss and great health during the perimenopausal and menopausal years!  We are going to knock it out of the park with this one!
    And to celebrate our journey, we’re  having a “Girls Night Out” at the end of the challenge to rock our little black dresses and celebrate your HUGE accomplishments…together!

    What’s Included with The Little Black Dress Project?

    Are you Ready to Accept the Challenge??
    Meal Plan Only
    Meal Plan with Exercise Classes
    ($34 Savings)
    Meal Plan with Home Workouts

    • 28 Day of Meal Plans
    • Grocery Lists
    • Recipe Guide
    • Dining Out Guide
    • Little Black Dress Success Manual
    • “Daily Dose” Inspirational Daily Emails
    • Goal Setting, Food Swaps, Measurement Charts
    • Private FB Accountability
    • Before & After Measurements
    • Weekly Check-ins

    • 28 Day of Meal Plans
    • Grocery Lists
    • Recipe Guide
    • Dining Out Guide
    • Little Black Dress Success Manual
    • “Daily Dose” Inspirational Daily Emails
    • Goal Setting, Food Swaps, Measurement Charts
    • Private FB Accountability
    • Before & After Measurements
    • Weekly Check-ins
    • My Group Fitness Classes Included during Challenge
    • Body Fat Testing and Tracking

    • 28 Day of Meal Plans
    • Grocery Lists
    • Recipe Guide
    • Dining Out Guide
    • Little Black Dress Success Manual
    • “Daily Dose” Inspirational Daily Emails
    • Goal Setting, Food Swaps, Measurement Charts
    • Private FB Accountability
    • Before & After Measurements
    • Weekly Check-ins
    • +Week-in-View Workout Plan
    • Access To Home Workout Videos
    • Body Fat Testing and Tracking


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    As a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, I am here to help you reach your goals

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