5 Tips to help boost your mood.

April Showers bring...........
May Showers?!?!?!

5 Tips to help boost your mood.

Showers, Cloudy weather and cold... in May? If you feel overwhelmed, blah, or a bit down on yourself, this weather is certainly not helping us any.  I'm suffering too.
Here are 5 tips to help lift your mood.
EXERCISE.  No surprise here!  Exercise is the best way to get your endorphins going and feel good.  The more you move, the better you feel, and the more you move the more physically able you are and the more optimally your body will function.  The stronger you are, the stronger you will feel, both mentally and physically.  Do something active with your body for at least 20 minutes a day.  Go for a jog, play a sport, do a fitness video, or try yoga (Zumba works for me!!!!) 
BOOST YOUR VITAMIN D.  Get in the sunshine vitamin!  There has been research that links vitamin D levels to mood.   Evidence is building around the conclusion that vitamin D has positive effects on the brain and can help with feelings of depression and general depressive symptoms.  You can take a vitamin D supplement or if the sun is shining, get outside and take walk.

CONNECT.  Chances are if you are going through something, there is someone out there who is or has gone through the same thing.  Often, we isolate ourselves and keep our blues, sadness or pain to ourselves.  I know I tend to do this.  But when we keep our emotions to ourselves and put on a brave face for the world to see, we trap our emotions and they being to fester, build and boil.  When I learned to let go, and connect to others, I felt a huge release.  When we connect and share we start to drain and feel lighter, happier and not so alone.
GET IN YOUR ZONE.  We all have something that makes us “tick.”  When you busy yourself with your passions, you feed your soul and nourish your spirit.  It may be a hobby like knitting, crafting, listening to music, going for a drive or playing a sport, going on a run.  Whatever it is that gets you in your zone, do it! Literally write out a list of activities that bring your joy and put them in your ‘toolbox’ for a rainy day.
SUFFICIENT SLEEP.  Being sleep deprived is almost a norm for most parents.  But a proper nights sleep is so important for not only our physical health but our mental health and well being.  I recently discovered that its not only important to get enough sleep (8.5-9 hrs per night), but the time in which you go to sleep is critical.  The hours of sleep before midnight are especially crucial to proper brain functioning than the later hours.  A proper nights sleep is always a good thing, especially when your feeling down and out.

Love in health and fitness,
Colleen xox

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