Watch Your Habits, Not Your Weight

March is right around the corner, and if your New Resolutions already fell off the wagon, you are not alone.  It's too easy to get off track and super hard to get back to that healthy routine.  Life gets in the way, but don't worry, you can get back on track this week!

One of my downfalls is cookies and milk at night.  If I'm not prepared, I can easy get back to that unhealthy habit and is hard to break it.

Why is it with all the bad choices we make in the food department, we will still catch ourselves stepping on the scale hoping for a MIRACLE!! (Guilty!!) 

Stop looking to the scale for a way out of this mess and start looking at the habits you are creating for yourself.

Personally, if I want to see progress, I need to make progress in my habits every day.  Not going to lie, it's tough.  You still have time to get ready for summer so start back NOW!  Take time this weekend and write out your healthy habit goals for the week.  Make a point not to weigh yourself but just stick to these few healthy habits each day, and you just might find those clothes will fit a little looser. 

My current focus on daily healthy habits:
> Drink at least 80 oz. water daily (I don't drink soda, but if you do, a great time to cut back and eliminate)
> Be active for 150 minutes per week
> Keep late-night snacking to a minimum
> In bed by 9:30 every night this week
> Stay within calories as often as possible, especially on weekends

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