What is Spiritual Fitness?

When I turn on my TV at night to relax, my TV guide is full of paid programming for health and fitness products: fitness equipment, nutritional supplements, health food, fitness programs. 

I'm not arguing our physical health is very important.  Our life depends on it!  In the passage below, Paul reminds us the importance of spiritual fitness as much as physical fitness. 

So what is spiritual fitness?  God's word is meant to feed our souls every day and help us meet the needs of others.  Many of us can be intimidated by the Word, it takes real effort for me to read God's Word alone. My mind can get distracted by so many other things, especially if I'm struggling to understand His meaning.  Just like our physical fitness, it takes small, consistent effort to improve our spiritual fitness.  

Think about this.  We are trying to live for the Lord but we are starving our souls. Religious people may attend church regularly but not take time to read and meditate on God's Word.  

Earlier this year, I created a Wellness Planner to help focus on the three most important things in my life:  Faith, Fitness and Family.  If you haven't gotten a chance to use this planner, click HERE to download your copy to use this week!

With a daily diet of God's Word, we can stay spiritually fit.

In Christ's Love,

1 Timothy 4:8
For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.

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