Organic Celery - Some things I won't cheap on

I am the most frugal woman you'll meet. I hate to spend money, especially on food.  But one thing I don't cheap on is organic celery.   Why?  Celery stalks are very porous, so they retain the pesticides they’re sprayed with.  According to, 
when researchers at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analyzed 89,000 produce-pesticide tests to determine the most contaminated fruits and vegetables, celery topped the chart.  WOW!  I'm sold.  Thankfully, we have several Aldi's near us to help save on buying organic.  I purchased this today for $1.99 for the same brand you would pay in the grocery store for twice that. 

Reap the benefits and enjoy the peace of mind of eating meals free of pesticides and additives by shopping for healthy ingredients when it counts the most.

In health and fitness,

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