5 of The Worst Breakfast Foods for Weight Loss

Eating a healthy breakfast can set the tone for your entire day.  Start your day with a filling and nutritious breakfast and you'll have the energy you need to keep your morning strong.

By starting off on the right foot in the morning, it will help you to keep on track for the entire day.  Likewise, if you don't start off with a healthy meal, you'll more likely be challenged to stick to your healthy meal plan for the rest of the day.

SO, let me help you find quick, easy options to replace those popular breakfast foods so you can make better morning options!

Here are five breakfast foods you should CUT from your diet and options on what to replace with:

1.  Sugary Cereal 

Although handy to have in your cupboard, be sure to read labels carefully.  You would be surprised on many "healthy" cereals are still very high in added sweeteners.  This sugary option will only leave you feeling sluggish shortly after eating and will cause you to crave sugar later in the day.

Healthy option:  Oatmeal with fruit like apples or berries make hearty breakfast.  I use Quakers Lower Sugar Oatmeal packets. 

2.  Bagel with Cream Cheese

Ah, the simple carb staple everyone has in their kitchen. Add the cream cheese, and you add excess saturated fats, too.  This is NOT nutrient balanced, and will not keep you full throughout the morning.

Healthy option: Try a mini-bagel or a light english muffin with laughing cow spreadable cheese.

3.  Bottled Smoothies: 

Pre-made smoothies are often packed with added sugar to sweeten their flavor.  Be sure to check the label carefully.  It's much healthier to make your own smoothie.

Healthy optionCreate your own smoothie.  Blend two parts sweet, juicy veggies like cucumbers with half as much as your favorite fruit.  Add a half-part each of dark leafy greens.  Blend in plain greek yogurt to make your drink creamy.

4.  Coffee Drinks

I don't know about you, but coffee is essential for me to start my day.   Many coffee drinks are loaded with sugar and extra calories.  Some Frappuccinos with whipped cream and flavored syrups can add up over 400 calories. 

Healthy option:   Black coffee is completely free of fat and calories.  If you need something to make the flavor less bitter, you can try a sugar free sweetener or skim or soy milk.

5.  Donuts and Pastries

We know these are not the best breakfast option.  I call them empty calories.  But they are just so yummy.  These include muffins and toaster pastries too.   All can quickly increase your blood glucose levels and will drop quickly, leaving you hungry soon after you eat.

Healthy option:  These yummy breakfast cookies are easy and you can freeze them.  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/365636063497072109/

Eating healthy can be overwhelming at first.  But start with one or two days this week and replace your breakfast with one of these healthy options.  Start out small and build those lifestyle habits.

I'm always here if you need help with ideas or options.

Love in health and fitness,


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