5 Ways to Find Morning Motivation

5 Ways to Find Morning Motivation

The time change has now officially kicked my Seasonal Depression Disorder into full gear. It's really easy to get yourself in a rut of wanting to hit the snooze button a few times before really getting up and moving.

I've got a few tips that might help you get out of that rut and find a little morning motivation:

Listen to Your Favorite Music
Create a morning playlist of your favorite tunes so all you need to do is hit play when you wake up. Choose something upbeat that you’ll look forward to listening to every morning. This will help wake you up and motivate you to conquer the rest of your day.

Have your favorite coffee
I don’t know about you, but nothing gets me out of bed like thinking about what kind of coffee I’m going to have. If you struggle with being motivated to leave your bed, try tempting yourself with coffee and see if that helps. Plus, if you get into the habit of treating yourself with coffee in the morning when it’s time to be productive, chances are it’ll be something you’ll look forward to a little more. And if you’re not a coffee drinker, try using tea or hot chocolate.

Put space between you and your phone

I mean everyone uses their phones for an alarm clock anyway? Make sure that it’s on the other side of the room. In order to turn off my alarm in the morning, I have to physically get out of bed and walk the length of the room to silence it. Therefore, clicking snooze for five more minutes of shuteye isn’t as tempting.

Make your bed in the morning
I don't know what it is about making your bed in the morning, but I swear that it sets you up for the rest of your day. Like you accomplished one small task and then you can go through your day accomplishing other tasks and when you come home later your room looks clean. If I didn't make my bed in the mornings I would be more tempted to lay down as soon as I get home from classes and then I would be super unproductive, and I don't have time for that.

Devotion and Prayer – Suggested resources: Our Daily Bread (ODB.com)
Prayer and devotion time, even 5 minutes, helps me start the day off right.

What's your favorite tip for not hitting the snooze button?  Let me know!

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