First thing in the morning, PAIN THAT FEELS LIKE NEEDLES IN YOUR FOOT…yep, plantar fasciitis.

Some doctors will tell you to wear orthotics.  Chronic pain can ensue if certain muscles aren’t inhibited, stretched and strengthened, so don’t be so quick to reach for those orthotics!

One common belief is that plantar fasciitis is caused by a problem in the calf when in fact the problem can be as far as the upper hamstring and glutes. How can this be? Think of the muscles in the body as links in a chain. Because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, stress in one link can cause a break in a completely different one, the weakest among them. It can cause a break in a link which can be located at any point in the chain.  (you can see from the diagram just how connected the achilles tendon is all the way down to the plantar fascia). 

As a trainer, I suffer from this exact weakened chain.  My right calf muscle is not balanced and creates plantar fasciitis when not properly taken care of.   

So what can you do to help treat this aching pain?  Here are some tips:

1) I personally see a regular massage therapist.  She is my medicinal miracle worker.  She keep my muscles all balanced to prevent foot and heel pain caused by my shortened calf muscle.   I would highly recommend seeking a medical massage.  

2)   First thing in the morning, roll the affected foot on a frozen can or bottle of water to relieve your pain. 

3)  Break up the knots and adhesions and lengthen the muscle tissue. Roll your foot on a tennis ball, lacrosse ball or a golf ball, placing as much pressure on it as you can tolerate. Now roll your calves, hamstrings and glutes. Perform a wall stretch on your foot. 

4) Strengthen the fascia in the foot, calf, hamstrings and glutes with these exercises. Stand on one foot for a 30 second count (keeping the raised knee at hip level). 

All of these tips will help you relieve some of that aching pain.   As always, message me with questions or concerns. 

Love in health and fitness, 
Colleen xoxox
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