Why You Didn't Reach Your Goal

Did you know our brain uses more energy than other organ in our body?

Working towards a goal takes a large amount of energy to accomplish it. The overwhelming reality of what it is really going to take to accomplish is why people don't: A)get started,  or B) don't follow through to the end. Both options are detrimental to your success, forward growth and self confidence.

There are so many goals/dreams that people never come to see pass....and if you were to ask them they wouldn't hesitate to tell you all the reasons that it didn't work out. Here are some of the reasons I hear more often than not: "I don't have enough time." "I don't want to pay for workouts." "I'm always short on sleep and exhausted." "It's so much work." "I'll get to it when I have less going on." "I'm not getting up that early just to exercise."  Yet it seems like these very same people have time to spend hours on Social Media, spend excessive money on fancy coffee, clothes and handbags, watch hours of meaningless TV,  hit snooze relentlessly and grab takeout at least 2-3 times a week instead of a making an EASY healthy meal at home.

Don’t be an energy vampire, or let those energy vampires suck your life. Some people easily build imaginary castles of grandeur and future commitment then burn that vision down with constant procrastination. For every step forward, you will take ten steps back. This type of action will drain you, leaving you empty and wondering why you can never seem to make progress.
If you REALLY want to do what you said you were going to do, here are 3 ways to help:  

1.  Write Your Goals Down Daily:  To end up where you are going you're going to have to know where that is! Traveling around in circles lost, is one of the biggest energy vampires there is. It is absolute nonsense to think that you can arrive anywhere in life and not know within reason where that place of arrival is and what it should look like. Not knowing will be sure to leave you stuck and drained of energy. When you get up every day you are going to have to have a purpose more meaningful then to just haul yourself off to the office again for another groundhog day. If you don't currently know what your purpose is you will start discovering it if you commit to taking this step.

2. Cut out the Crap! One of the biggest drainers of all. This includes anything harming your body. Here is a list of things that should be totally cut out of your life. (The sooner the better!) Prescription medications to self medicate, negative people, anything that makes you feel devalued, drama, people that aren't on the same page as you, trash tv, excessive social media time, excessive shopping, long meaningless phone conversations, poor nutrition, and skipped workouts.

3. Schedule and Commit. Schedule your workouts on your calendar just like any other appointment. Find a workout you like and you'll be more likely to stick with it when life gets hectic and the excuses come out abundantly.  Keeping your workout schedule will give you MORE energy to help tackle your busy schedule and busy life!
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As a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, I am here to help you reach your goals

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