November Healthy Living Challenge

For November, I decided to do a healthy living challenge. I’ll be sharing small daily challenges to encourage healthy behaviors – everything from trying a new exercise to trying out a new healthy recipe. I’ll be participating along with everyone else and I’d love to have you join us.

The reason I decided to run this challenge in November was to go into the holiday season in the healthiest place possible. December tends to get busy with parties, preparations. and the holidays. It’s easy to let working out and eating healthy go to the wayside, when really that’s the time that we need it the most. The holidays can bring with them a lot of stress, which is much easier to handle when you’re making healthy decisions.

I’ve created an email list just for this challenge (you can sign up here) to ensure everyone will get the daily challenge versus my Facebook page. (Most people are not seeing my daily posts).  
While being on the email list isn’t required, you will get the daily challenges a few days earlier as well as exclusive workouts only available to November Healthy Living Challenge subscribers. Those not on my email list can view the daily challenge ideas on my Facebook page

I'm looking forward to a Healthy November with everyone!!!
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