Post-Stella: Finding our Exercise Routine Again - 3 Simple Tips

Life happens and sometimes we get off track.  With record setting snow last week, Stella got me completely off track.  Most all of my classes and trainings were canceled last week and my exercise routine consisted of shoveling.   But sometimes life happens for any reason and can get us off track.  Family commitments, sickness, and working late can all wreak havoc on our best made plans to workout.  I understand completely what it's like to have a really good routine and then something happens.  A few missed workouts can turn into a rut.  So what can you do to get back?

If you've found yourself a little off-track, here are some tips to help you jump start your routine:

1)  Commit to Five Minutes
Just start with five minutes.  Five minutes is less daunting than committing to a full workout.  Start with five minutes and keep building.

2)  Remember How Good it Makes You Feel
Sometimes we focus on the effort, instead of the outcome. Remember how great you felt after you did your workout.

3)  Get an Exercise Buddy
That's why group fitness classes and personal trainers really work. It's accountability and motivation.  If you can't get to a group fitness class and haven't hired a trainer(As a plug, my rates are VERY reasonable), grab a friend, co-worker or family member to workout with and help keep you accountable.

Remember habits are created by the consistent daily activities we chose to put our time towards. So the more consistent you are with your exercise routine, the easier it is to form healthy habits. Once it’s a habit, you just go on autopilot and exercising is part of your daily life.

Love in health and fitness,

FREE Healthy Living Checklist

Everyone has their own idea about what how to live a healthy lifestyle and how to go about doing it. If you aren't sure where to start, this FREE checklist will give you a great jump-start.  I challenge you to print 4 of these and use these each week for the next 4 weeks.  Once you have finished, CELEBRATE and repeat.

I have always been a visual person.  In my professional life I always have checklists in every part of my business.  It helps me keep my goals in check.  Funny how we are so dedicated in our work lives, but our personal lives tend to be optional in keeping our goals within reach.

Here is my checklist to help you start making your own personal life goals reachable.  If you would like to set up a FREE one on one with me to discuss how to tailor this checklist to your lifestyle, click the "Let's Talk" so we can chat!  I love helping people with their health and fitness goals.

Get your FREE Healthy Living Checklist HERE

Love in health and fitness,
Colleen xoxo

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As a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, I am here to help you reach your goals

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